Walk beside me.

“Lead me, guide me, walk beside me”

Do I have any reader’s that were raised in the church? I mean like, pretty much born in the church world? Anyone that understands what the church life was/is all about? Well, i was that church girl, born and raised. My mom raised me heavily in the church, everything from Sunday school to singing in the choir and being in church 6 days a week, my life revolved around church and ministry, i never had the option of making my own decisions, i lived a sheltered life and payed for it heavily when she passed away (god rest her soul), it was like having to do life all over again, i was nieve and knew nothing at all, I suspect that she felt like she was doing it for my own good, to keep me safe from the clutches of the world, to keep me from the possibility of messing my life up.

Now that I am a mom of two little girls, i understand the difficulty in letting our kids make their own decisions for fear that they may end up making the wrong choices. When it comes to my daughter’s I want nothing more for them than to be good girls, my desire is to raise them to listen, to be polite, kind, caring and respectful and let that carry over and be seen as they continue to grow up.

Sometimes as parents, the truth is, we get upset with the things our children do, we get frustrated with their decisions because we worry not so much about what they did but more about OURSELVES and how others will view us as parents (Some more than others)

Kids will be kids, we can’t stop every bump and bruise from happening, it is impossible to stop every choice and every decision they will make along the way, this is why we must lead, guide and walk beside, you see, when they are small it’s for us to lead, as they become older and get into school and activities and relationships it’s then time to guide them as they progress to adulthood, when we’ve done our best to raise them the best way we know how, that is when we have to walk beside them.

It’s not our job to force things on our kids it’s our job to love, mold, teach, nourish and raise them right as they grow from stage to stage in life. I admit, sometimes my 2 year old drives me nuts and I get upset with her but then I catch myself and come down to her level, she is 2, there is no stopping some things a 2-year-old does or will do no matter how hard you try.

Kids/children/teens/young adults. At each point in life they will make bad choices, it’s inevitable but it’s all about growing up, it’s the growing pains of life, so they can learn from those mistakes. Surely they can never re-do what was done, but they can try again, this is our job to guide them and help them to make the right choice, a better choice for next time.

So, to all moms and dads and caretakers, remember this, if/when your children fall be sure to lovingly lead them in the right direction, guide them along the way, embed in them right from wrong. Proverbs 22:6 says: Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” and when they make mistakes which they will because they are human, be a system of support to them and walk beside them, it doesn’t matter what we as parents may think or feel, the truth is our children need us.

Lead them, guide them, walk beside them.

Published by 🕯BrightLightInADimWorld🕯

I am an optimist dedicated to motivating and encouraging you. Here you will find blogs on encouragement, as well as inspirational short stories and motivational quotes to help you to stay positive and find peace.

30 thoughts on “Walk beside me.

  1. I love this! I was raised in the church, as well, and somewhat sheltered. My parents did a very good job of walking beside me as I moved out and moved away and made my own choices, and I can only pray to be that way with my daughter one day. I’ve caught myself wanting to keep her so safe forever, and not wanting her to know the bad and terrible things in this world, but that would only make her unprepared for the real world. This post touched my heart ❤


    1. I catch myself often. My daughter is 2 but she’s so grown up and wants to do things on her own. As parents it’s so hard but I’m learning we have to give them a little bit of lead way and just watch and correct them if they are wrong then try and guide them in the right direction… Just give them a little bit of leverage 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t have kids yet, so this isn’t actually something I’ve really thought about. I used to work in child care and we would always just tell the kids if they were making bad decisions. I could see where that isn’t always the best option with your own kids.


    1. I learned something along the way, when a child ISN’T yours, no matter the bond, no matter how cool you are with their parents there are still boundaries and restrictions so you don’t have to do to much thinking or helping because your not the parent but mannnn when you have your own and you have to think double time meanwhile teaching them to be a little independent meanwhile holding the leash close enough smh it’s a challenge. Letting them make their own decisions can go either way, you just gotta pray it goes in a direction that works for you lol


    1. Patience is a virtue 🙂 . Lord knows, every day that i wake up and have to deal with my kids and people i learn to humble myself all the more or I’ll just completely loose it.. Patience is definitely key because kids sense when we are frustrated so wre have to set the example no matter what we feel.


  3. I was not, nor do I currently attend church however I do always enjoy learning about the different cultures and religions. This was a sweet and insightful post, thank you for putting it together.


    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and thank you for the compliment, i try to implement different thoughts into my blogs for the purpose of learning, encouraging and growth. I’m glad that you were able to take something away from what you read.


  4. I grew up in the church, if the doors were open we were there. We did regular service, all the special 3:30 programs, Bib Study, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and more. On top of that, I sang in the choir, I was an usher, and I was a part of about 5 other clubs at the church.


  5. I am not a parent yet but I can see how parents can have issues letting go. This was a powerful post and I will be mindful when I have kids!


  6. This is very helpful, especially for us parents. It’s an everyday learning and those were the right words for the best parenting tip. Lead, guide and walk with them. You are such an amazing mom to your children. Im so proud of you!


  7. Letting the kids explore the world with guidance will help them growing up understanding the real world. There is no good on spoiling them, and being worried for them to experience a little hardships. It is part of life.


  8. So true..we are the strength and guide of our children..I think in everything we do for them, let’s do it with love.


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